Bible Verses for Marriage
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96 Biblical Articles For Your Marriage
Are you looking for wedding readings, bible verses about marriage, or biblical direction for your marriage?
Every couple wants a solid marriage —Not only a happy marriage but also a marriage that’s fulfilling and long-lasting. What’s critical is that you base your marriage on the right foundation.
The bible contains supportive verses related to marriage problems; verses about marriage love and practical verses for when a marriage is in trouble.
Bible Verses About Marriage
No matter where you and your spouse are spiritually, the Bible should be your marriage’s foundation, your go-to when the going gets tough.
Are you new to the bible? There are modern versions that are easy to read and understand. Take a look here. Give it a try.
A great way to grow together is through a devotional. Or, subscribe to one of our free email devotions.
The articles below each contain bible verses that may be relevant and helpful to you and your marriage.